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[责任编辑 何菊玲]
Contrast and Convergence of Literature and History
——A Comparison between Sima Qian and Plutarch in View of Reality in Biographical History
WANG Cheng-jun
(College of History and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian 710062, Shaanxi)
Abstract: The basic point of Sima Qian’s view of biographical history was historically integrating events with personalities and literature with history so as to well deal with the relationship between literature and history. This practice showed Sima’s advanced view of reality ofbiographical history. However, in Histories of Greek and Roman Personalities, Plutarch always wavered between personalities and events and between history and literature, showing a contrast between all these. A comparative investigation of the two authors’ views of reality of biographical history shows thatSima’s historical integration of history with literature is of great enlightenment and significance to contemporary research of history and biographical history.
Key Words: Sima Qian; Records of the Historian; biographical history; Plutarch; The Parallel Lives of Grecians and Rome