1. 冯友兰:《中国哲学史》中华书局1984年版。
2. 冯友兰:《三松堂学术文集》北京大学出版社1984年版。
3. 冯 契:《中国近代哲学的革命进程》,上海人民出版社1989年版。
Seeking the Cultural Identity and “the Contemporary Chinese Philosophy”
Abstract:I think, as a meaningful subject, “the Contemporary Chinese Philosophy” is not a pure academic creation but an issue threshold that should determine its philosophical narration in the historical narration. As for “the Chinese philosophy”, on the one hand it can’t part from the historical destiny of Chinese’s seeking the cultural identity since the mordern times, on the other hand it has to find its narrative ways and philosophical languages in the evolutional logic, which is different from the Chinese and Western philosophy. It is in the history that “the contemporary philosophy” determines its narrative beginning and visual threshold. It is in the historical reception that “the contemporary philosophy” seeks the grounds for its survival significance. The philosophical form is needed in China in the contemporary times, which belongs to itself and suits its cultural identity. What is more, the philosophers are needed, who belongs to China itself.
Key words: the cultural identity; the contemporary Chinese philosophy;
the beginning and visual threshold of philosophy; philosophical evolutional logic